In Writing

Some favorites I've published:

Gone Viral:

23+ Children's Books Not to Miss and Why 

5 Spiritual Tools to Help You Overcome the Storms of Life: Here are five tools you shouldn't be without the next time you encounter difficulty.

11 Promises from Scripture God Wants You to Know (and Why)

3 Steps to Empower Our Children against BullyingHave your children had a recent rub with bullying? Here you'll find a popular children's book, select scripture, and expert advice to equip your children to take a stand.


Propel Sophia:

Huff Post Parents:

How Women Can Unleash Self-Worth: Women aren't competition; we're community.

How We Can Live a Vacation Everyday: Parenting is a constant juggle between the tasks that must be done and a willingness to let them go and savor the moment.

DaySpring's (in)courage:

Music Class Changed My Faith: Discover the lessons I learned from my three-year-old on how to live a faith-empowered life with no regrets.  

Moms, We Have a Microphone: It's one thing to have a negative thought—it's another to speak it aloud and allow it to take root.

TODAY Parents:

9 Reasons Why I'm a Great Mom (And It's Not What You Think)


14 Things You Know as a Mom of Little Boys: Moms of boys know raising them is often an adventure with distinct markings—here are 14 you won't want to miss.

Power of Moms:

A Surprising Lesson the Night I Broke Routine: Sometimes the beauty of having children isn't watching them grow; it's rediscovering the kid in each of us.

Six Essential Ways to Support a Friend after Pregnancy Loss: Women should not have to suffer in silence. Instead, here are powerful ways we share show our support and help usher in healing together.

The Laundry Moms:

The One Journey I Can't Do Without: If you have been missing your "pre-mom" self, if you need to relax and read a story with humor only a mom can understand, or if you want some inspiration to treasure every little hand hold today, read this.  

The Redbud Post, a publication of my writer's guild:

Lift Your Perspective, Change Your Life: Explore the power of thanksgiving to change things.

Internationally Published Resource:

My Mom's Prayer for Armor has been translated and published in an Indonesian magazine for Christian Women called Pearl Magazine. You can read the prayer in English here.


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