High-Flying Easter Hope

How do you explain the resurrection to children? What does it mean in real time to you? The illustration below is a favorite way I came up with to describe Easter's promise. Happy Easter!

I like using a swing to illustrate what resurrection power looks like to my children. A swing may go low, but inevitably it comes back up. That’s the power of faith. God promises that he will never leave us in our lows, including death—we have the firm hope of coming back up. Pumping our legs is equivalent to exercising our faith muscle. We get to participate in Christ’s mystery by believing and experiencing the exhilaration of the high he offers—life in the present and life eternal.

Where does Christ’s two-fold hope meet you today? Maybe you’re low, needing the promise of his high-flying hope. Or maybe you’re enjoying the sweet satisfaction of a hope fulfilled and celebrating God’s goodness. Wherever the Easter message meets you on the swing set of life, remember that Christ is personally invested you!


This illustration first appeared in my Easter devotion for iBelieve and Crosswalk. For another Holy Week resource, you can read my Easter prayer for Bible Study Tools.


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