New Devotion: What Does God Promise Us?

Your word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures. Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you. —Psalm 119:89-91
Maybe it’s about a lunch my boys really want when we’re out running errands. Maybe it’s about a movie they want to see at the end of a long day of getting chores done around the house. Or maybe it’s about sneaking in some time at the hockey rink in between their baby brother’s naps. As hard as I try to fit everything in, unexpected curve balls sometimes come up. When I am not able to do what we were planning on, I hear a familiar refrain:
“But Mom, you promised!”
Really, I hadn’t. I had said we’d try to do it. Yes, we had been planning on it, but every parent knows how the day can shuffle around with children.
What Are Promises?
Promises are more than a casual commitment involving day-to-day juggling. They are reserved for declarations that you can stake your life upon. Promises provide the scaffolding within which we make decisions and live our lives. For instance:
In marriage, I promise to love my husband and commit my life to him, even though some days are naturally bumpier than others.
In childrearing, I promise to always have my children’s best interests at heart, even though sometimes I make mistakes or let them down.
In friendship, I promise to make time for the people I love and believe the best in them, although we might have disagreements and life gets busy.
What God Promises Us
My examples are not exhaustive, but remarkably, the Bible records every single one of God’s promises. His promises are true, firm, and faithful, because they come from the one Perfect Promise Keeper. Our scripture passage today underlines God’s faithfulness. The complaints of the psalmist earlier in the chapter now give way to a crescendo emphasizing God’s sovereignty. God is sovereign for all time, in all places, and over “all things” in these verses. Further, the text gives us a clue as to the tenor of God’s sovereignty—it is merciful and conditioned by love. The Hebrew word for “faithfulness” used here is often paired with the one for “steadfast love.”
Click here to continue reading this devotion, and discover 11 things that God has promised you!
I have been excited to share this devotion with you from the spring! Summer is a great time to drink in the sunshine and remember God's promises. Stay tuned soon for an article coming soon on inclusion as a follow up to my interview with Linsey Davis. For the article, I interview one of my favorite teachers on practical ways that we can "be the healing" at this crucial time! Also, don't forget to snag a copy of my new book, How to Live Your Life Purpose!
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