4 Don't-Miss Ways to Rediscover Christmas

Christmas is next week! As that reality creeps in, and amidst the flurry of preparations, I'm sharing some favorites from my site that can help us rediscover the heart of the season...and therefore experience Christmas' greatest blessings.

1. My favorite Christmas article, published on iBelieve:

Culture tells us that Christmas is about consumerism; how do we as parents find a more redemptive message and teach it to our children?

2. The Christmas episode of Chaos to Calm:

Hear two pastors share their own Christmas traditions and what has held the greatest meaning for them.

3 & 4. My favorite guest posts on Christmas, courtesy of author Laura Sassi:

As an educator and mom, Laura shares fun ideas to interact with our children of different ages around the nativity. 


Tune into my next post, which will be on New Year's Eve. I will share a final devotion to conclude this fall's devotional series. Stay tuned following the New Year as well, as I will be launching a new series on living our life purpose. What a powerful topic as we look to intentionally begin a new year! Merry Christmas!


  1. A friend asked about missional activity ideas for children after reading "Reclaiming Christmas," and I wanted to pass these along! My boys like to shop for children for the sharing tree at our church. Each picked out a child to sponsor this Christmas. My children have also volunteered by acting in our church's Christmas pageant or living nativity, because I try to impress upon them that there is no greater message to help spread at Christmas than the glory of the Christ child to the community! Other ideas are an Advent service jar, where children can honor the season by picking out a slip of paper that is a small service they can do for Christ each day leading up to Christmas. We did that last year. It can be simple things like making up a sibling's bed, writing a surprise card for someone and hiding it for them, or asking a parent how they can help one day. I'd love to hear some of your ideas if you have them too!


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