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New Sermon for Lent!

When a dear friend asked me to cover her church so that she could go on vacation this past weekend, I said YES! It was a delight to preach at the First Congregational Church of Westfield. I have known Head Pastor Jenn for twenty years. We met in seminary, and we are actually co-chairing our 20th seminary class reunion this spring. Last weekend was the first Sunday of Lent. My sermon theme was Jesus as the Bread of Life. Have your notepad handy, because I give lots of suggestions to listen to/watch/and meditate on this Lent! For those of you who are on Facebook, you can stream the service through the following link. The message starts at minute 41! Here is a sermon excerpt as food for thought: "Jesus wants faith to be real in our heart. It is that submission that allows us to be fully sustained by the Bread of Life and share it with a world in need...For in order to turn the hearts of others, God has to turn our own heart. We have to be ...

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